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Health Care for All Colorado Foundation’s mission is to provide education and research regarding a single payer comprehensive health care system for all Coloradans.

  • American Health Care financing is made of 7 “pools”.
  • Coloradans Spent $31.2B on premiums and out-of-pocket expenses in 2019
  • We wasted $4.5B of the $31.2B on unnecessary administrative costs
  • Coloradans are suffering, dying and going bankrupt because they can’t afford the health care they need.
  • What if we were all in one “pool”?
  • Currently each “pool” requires a separate administration resulting in significant inefficiencies.
  • If we were in one “pool,” we would SAVE a “boatload” of money on unnecessary administrative costs.
  • Every Colorado resident would have access to excellent, lifetime health care.
  • Ultimately we should strive for *Improved Medicare for All* for all Americans

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