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Health Care Stories & Facts

Leonard was an electrician. He worked hard all his life. He thought his union health insurance was the best money could buy until he needed to use it. The plan covered 80% of his care so Leonard had to pay 20%.

What Leonard didn’t know was that he would end up with a million dollar medical bill and 20% of one million would mean his share was $200,000.

Leonard and his wife hoped they would have no long term debts after they retired but instead, they had to take out TWO more mortgages and are still paying off these long term debts.

Should we provide better health care security for Leonard and ourselves?

We are not getting our money’s worth!

Does your family have full choice of doctors?
Does your plan cover everything your family needs?

Our commercial health insurance companies sometimes cover our medical expenses, but sometimes fail to take care of our families.

Should we eliminate this administrative nightmare?

Marketing, lobbying and administration costs are 270% more than R&D!

American families are paying more for overall health care compared to what people pay in other countries.

Annual Retail Prescription Spending Per Person

Life expectancy at birth the United States ranks 42nd among the developed countries according to the CIA World Factbook.

Deaths of mothers during child birth is rising in the United States.

Should our health care be financed through for-profit, private, commercial health insurance companies?

Or should health care be publicly financed with no profit?

Do free market principles work for health care?

Principle of a free market: Buyer has to be knowledgeable.


Larimer County (Ft Collins area) estimated they would save $18 million.

Are there better ways to spend our county taxes? Better roads? Facility maintenance?

But can we create a Colorado-owned healthcare plan?

A way for our families to have health care security.

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